
How Flooring Can Revolutionize Your Home

How Flooring Can Revolutionize Your Home

Floors are one of the first things people notice when walking into your house. Think about it, it's literally the only piece of your home they are in direct contact with at all times. Your guests don't even give you that much attention! We've got four tips to get your floors to make the right first impression. 

5 Key Design Ingredients That Makes A House Sell

5 Key Design Ingredients That Makes A House Sell

The Nashville real estate market is absolutely booming right now. Houses are selling faster than people can build them. They’re selling so fast that if a house actually makes it to market, then something’s not quite right. In a housing boom like this, it’s easy to overlook the essentials that makes a house a high quality piece of real estate that can sell in any market.

We’re in the business of designing the highest quality of homes that will stand the test of time. We thought it’d be a good idea to pass along the key design ingredients we incorporate into all our projects.

How To Make A New House Look Historic: A Guide To Fitting into a Classic Neighborhood

How To Make A New House Look Historic: A Guide To Fitting into a Classic Neighborhood

Building a new home in an older neighborhood? Or just a fan of historic architecture? We’ve been working on historic homes for years now and have learned a few things along the way. If you’re in the planning stages of building a new historic home, we’re going to share a few tricks up our sleeve.

The Building Process is Broken

The Building Process is Broken

Ever been a part of a terrible building project? As a builder, developer or homeowner, I’m sure you have a sour taste in your mouth from a ‘certain’ past project. You know the one I’m talking about. The project that dragged on for months. And what you saw in the plans is definitely not what’s built in the field.

4 Tips to Create a Phenomenal Deck

4 Tips to Create a Phenomenal Deck

Ahhhh, the deck. It's your escape from the great indoors. After a hard day's work in the cubicle with that ice cold A/C pumping, you want nothing more than to come home and find your little piece of paradise on that land yacht called the deck. It's where you teach your kids how to eat ribs hot off the grill, where deep conversations happen, lots of books are read and where ideas are conceived.

The Kitchen Remodel Checklist

The Kitchen Remodel Checklist

So you've decided it's time to remodel the kitchen? Ready to rid your house of those salmon-colored countertops that were installed when Saved By The Bell was still airing? Find yourself wondering what the last owner was thinking when they picked the finishes and materials? Well, before you make the same mistakes they did, we put together a step-by-step checklist for you to use as a guide as you prepare for a kitchen remodeling project.